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Becky Mundie

You can find Becky tip-tapping away on her laptop, always with dogs on the brain and a packet of bourbon biscuits within reach.

You can find Becky tip-tapping away on her laptop, always with dogs on the brain and a packet of bourbon biscuits within reach.

Articles by Becky

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A split screen. A hospitality and healthcare manager lead their orchestra of staff using their everyday tools as instruments.

7 benefits of being a control freak

Becky Mundie 4 min read
Female professional sitting at a desk covered with papers using a vivid pink calculator

What is the Bradford Factor? A guide for managers [+ calculator!]

Anna Roberts, Phil Kendall & Becky Mundie 9 min read

Absence management: a complete guide for SMEs

Anna Roberts & Becky Mundie 10 min read
A man looking at a wall filled with plans.

5 ways to cut operating costs for SMBs: A checklist

Becky Mundie 5 min read
Close up photo of a smartwatch displaying 16:47 on a woman's wrist

Time off in lieu (TOIL) explained: A guide for managers

Phil Kendall & Becky Mundie 8 min read

Annual leave rules & restrictions: everything you need to know

Anna Roberts, Clea Grady & Becky Mundie 10 min read
A brunette woman resting her head, tired, on a table that's covered in dollar bills.

How the Autumn Budget Update will impact SMBs in 2025: An overview

Becky Mundie 3 min read

How to calculate holiday accrual for hourly staff [calculator]

Anna Roberts & Becky Mundie 4 min read

How we turned World Kindness Day into a Month at RotaCloud

Becky Mundie 2 min read
A man and woman sitting at a table in a restaurant, paying for a meal using a terminal

A simple guide to the new laws on tipping in the UK

Brooke Curtis & Becky Mundie 4 min read

Engage staff with these 5 work Olympics ideas + MANY games

Becky Mundie 6 min read
A busy wine bar and brewery, people blurred around barrel-styled tables to suggest a fast-paced setting or  passing of time.

How to manage annual leave requests during peak periods

Becky Mundie 6 min read

Showing 1-12 of 20

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