RotaCloud reviews

What our customers really think about RotaCloud

We asked over 300 RotaCloud customers whether our software had benefited their business.

Here’s what they told us.

Our survey

On average, our customers went from spending 4.87 hours per week on rota management to just 1.65 hours with RotaCloud.

That's 166 hours reclaimed every year.

Time savings

Does RotaCloud save you time on a daily basis?

Pie chart showing 91.2% of respondents answered yes

Team building

Has RotaCloud improved your working relationship with your team?

Pie chart showing 75% of respondents answered yes

Employee satisfaction

Do your employees prefer using RotaCloud to your previous system?

Pie chart showing 85.5% of respondents answered yes


Has RotaCloud reduced employee no-shows?

Pie chart showing 47% of respondents answered yes

Does RotaCloud let you focus on more important business tasks?

Bar chart showing 87% of respondents answered yes, 6% of respondents answered no & 7% of respondents answered unsure

RotaCloud has benefited GDoc in particular, as I now have the time to focus on new projects and other parts of the business to make it sustainable for the future.

Jessica Sciberras, Administrative Lead, GDoc

I’d say we’re probably saving about two or three days out of the month for each department. It’s a massive saving.

Darren Longworth, Human Resources Business Partner, Clothes2Order

We’ve freed up clinicians’ time and managed to produce a more reliable rota that is available to all.

Andrew Downes, Head of Clinical Operations, East Anglian Air Ambulance

Using RotaCloud has saved management a lot of admin time, and time is precious in a busy, dynamic business!

Hannah Robinson, Interpreting Service Manager, SignVideo

  • NHS logo
  • Clothes2Order logo
  • East Anglian Air Ambulance logo
  • SignVideo logo

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