RotaCloud mobile app

Leave your desk behind.
Meet RotaCloud for Mobile.

Everything you and your team need for work, in one simple app.

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Your dashboard for the day ahead

Start your day with the info you need. Our mobile dashboard brings all your upcoming shift and staffing info together in one place.

Shifts & leave

See your current and upcoming shifts or booked annual leave.

Simple clock-ins

Your dedicated clocking-in button. Tap in and out of shifts and breaks in seconds.

Day notes

Booked a team meeting? Got a delivery coming later today? Add notes to your rota and they’ll display here.

Info at a glance

See your upcoming leave, who’s on leave, and any pending holiday and shift requests from your staff.


Set your team up for success

The dashboard isn’t just great for managers — it also provides your team with important info about the day and week ahead.

Shifts & leave

Your staff’s upcoming shifts are front-and-centre when they open the app, so they’ll always know when they’re next in.

Simple clock-ins

No more paper timesheets, no more swipe cards — your staff simply clock in using their phones.

Open shifts

Shifts you mark as “open” can be seen and picked up by staff straight from the Dashboard.

Shift acknowledgements

With shift acknowledgement, you can be confident that your staff have seen their shifts for the week.


Your dashboard for the day ahead

Start your day with the info you need. Our mobile dashboard brings all your upcoming shift and staffing info together in one place.


Set your team up for success

The dashboard isn’t just great for managers — it also provides your team with important info about the day and week ahead.

Mobile rotas

The week ahead, in your back pocket

Cut the tether — the RotaCloud mobile app lets you keep tabs on your business and manage your schedules from anywhere.

Update rotas on the go

Need to tweak your rota in a hurry? With RotaCloud for Mobile, you can create, edit, and publish new shifts in seconds.

See it your way

Use the toggle to quickly switch between a grid-based view of the rota and a chronological list of shifts for each day.

Day summary

See the total number of staff working or on leave for a particular day, as well as any important notes you’ve added.

Manage multiple rotas

Managing teams across different locations? Quickly switch rotas at any time with the location selector.

Employee info — one tap away

Tap an employee’s name to access their phone number, email address, and emergency contact details.

Mobile rotas

Give your staff the power to check their shifts wherever they are

No need for printouts or email attachments — RotaCloud delivers your rotas straight to your team’s mobile phones.

Anytime access

With RotaCloud, your staff are free to check their rota whenever they like — safe in the knowledge that it’s always up to date.

Grid & list-based rotas

Switch between a grid view of the entire rota and a list of shifts per day with the tap of a button.

Shifts at a glance

The Shifts tab gives your team members access to a breakdown of just their own shifts.

Drops & swaps

Staff arrange shift swaps or request to drop shifts they can’t work via the app — removing the need for emails or phone calls.

More shifts filled

Set a shift as “open” to allow eligible members of staff to claim it via the app.

Mobile rotas

The week ahead, in your back pocket

Cut the tether — the RotaCloud mobile app lets you keep tabs on your business and manage your schedules from anywhere.

Mobile rotas

Give your staff the power to check their shifts wherever they are

No need for printouts or email attachments — RotaCloud delivers your rotas straight to your team’s mobile phones.


Build rotas that everyone’s happy with

RotaCloud puts your staff’s working availability at your fingertips, so you can schedule shifts with confidence.

See who’s free to work

Your team’s logged availability shows on the rota, so you can allocate shifts that you know they’ll be happy with.

All in one place

No need to sift through emails or text messages — with RotaCloud, your staff communicate their availability through the app.

Cut the constant changes

When you build rotas that work for everyone, you’ll spend less time making and communicating changes.


Give your staff the shifts that work for them

Invite your team to share their availability in advance and build rotas that work for everyone.

Easily communicate availability

The RotaCloud mobile app lets your team mark when they are, and aren’t, free to work in seconds.

Work better together

Give your staff the shifts they want, and spend less time on repetitive changes by using Availability.

Enhance your employee experience

Boost morale at your business by giving your staff a greater say over their shifts.


Build rotas that everyone’s happy with

RotaCloud puts your staff’s working availability at your fingertips, so you can schedule shifts with confidence.


Give your staff the shifts that work for them

Invite your team to share their availability in advance and build rotas that work for everyone.

Annual leave

Manage leave from your mobile

Process holiday requests, see your team’s leave usage, and mark employee sickness — at work or on the go.

Mobile leave management

Add leave records for staff and process their holiday requests straight from the app.

Leave totals

See employees’ used, remaining, and total leave allowances, or tap a team member’s name to find out more.

Resolve shift clashes

Get a heads up whenever you’re about to approve leave that would clash with a scheduled shift.

Record staff sickness

Someone called in sick? Quickly mark it on the rota to keep a log of it for later.

Annual leave

An easier way for your team to book holiday

Our self-service tools let your team request time off when they need it. They get the break they need, you get a break from the admin.

Request leave

Don’t let holidays be a headache. RotaCloud lets your staff request time off straight from the app.

Used & remaining

Staff can see their holiday allowance, plus their used and remaining leave, whenever they like.

Keep them in the loop

No need for a follow-up — employees receive notifications the moment you’ve processed their leave requests.

Annual leave

Manage leave from your mobile

Process holiday requests, see your team’s leave usage, and mark employee sickness — at work or on the go.

Annual leave

An easier way for your team to book holiday

Our self-service tools let your team request time off when they need it. They get the break they need, you get a break from the admin.

Clocking in & timesheets

Time & Attendance, anytime

RotaCloud puts your team’s timesheets in the palm of your hand, so you’ll always have a record of who’s in.

Approve & amend records

Your team’s clock-in and break times are automatically logged, ready for your review at the end of the pay period.

Edit timesheets

Manually add, edit or delete attendance records and paid hours on the go.

Lateness flagging

Get a heads up when a member of staff clocks in late with automatic highlighting on timesheets.

Scheduled & hours paid

See the total number of scheduled hours, together with the number of hours paid for each payroll period.

Clocking in & timesheets

Easy and accurate timesheets & clocking in for your team

When they clock in with the RotaCloud app, your staff will always be paid the right amount for the hours they work, and can check their timesheets whenever they like.

Tap in, tap out

With the RotaCloud mobile app, staff can clock in and out of their shifts and breaks in seconds — no timecards or pricey hardware required.

Accurate records

Start & end times are recorded to the nearest minute and automatically added to staff’s online timesheets.

GPS clock-in restrictions

Set a radius around your business based on GPS location for additional peace of mind.

Clocking in & timesheets

Time & Attendance, anytime

RotaCloud puts your team’s timesheets in the palm of your hand, so you’ll always have a record of who’s in.

Clocking in & timesheets

Easy and accurate timesheets & clocking in for your team

When they clock in with the RotaCloud app, your staff will always be paid the right amount for the hours they work, and can check their timesheets whenever they like.

Screenshot of the RotaCloud mobile app showing a Dental Practice's rota, with a grid of colour coded shifts at different times, and also some holiday cards. The row headings on the grid are dates, the column headings are employee names.
The accessibility of having the app on every person’s phone within the team is great. It’s a huge benefit to us here at the practice for sure.
Chantelle Duffield
Assistant Manager, Rhiwbina Dental

Additional mobile app
tools & features

Start & end breaks with a tap
Push notifications
Manage multiple locations
View shifts by employee
Add shifts, leave & more from anywhere in the app
Perform quick actions via shift cards
Shift swaps & cover: empower your staff by letting them arrange their own shift swaps and cover — with your final approval, of course.
See more on mobile — turn your phone sideways to get a landscape view of your rota
Set GPS clocking-in restrictions
Add & edit day notes
See rotas your way with customisable filters
Add comments to leave requests
Edit timesheets on the go
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app for free
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Shift acknowledgements for extra peace of mind
Publish & unpublish shifts
Compare incoming holiday requests against booked leave
Mark availability: staff can communicate when they are and aren’t free to work, straight from the app.
Face ID and fingerprint scan
Claim open shifts straight from the Dashboard
See real-time holiday and clocking-in data, straight from your dashboard