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Staff availability software

Build a rota that works for everyone

See your employees’ availability as you plan your schedule and get the rota right first time.

  • No card required
  • UK-based support
A rota in RotaCloud showing various shifts and staff availability, with days and times employees are available in green and days and times staff are unavailable in red.

Use your staff's availability to plan shifts everyone's happy with.

Staff availability screen in RotaCloud with start and end dates, and pattern frequency.

Communicate staff availability

Set and share availability in seconds

In RotaCloud, employees communicate their availability directly through the app.

  • Available or unavailable

    Employees can tell you when they can work, when they can’t work, or both — adapt this feature to your existing processes. Green for go, red for no.

  • One-off or recurring

    Staff specify whether or not their stated availability pattern is just for one day, or repeats for several weeks or months.

  • Set by employees, or by you

    Individual employees can share availability patterns, or you can add them on their behalf.

Availability on the rota

Build rotas with confidence

Staff availability shows on the rota, so managers can clearly see who is and isn’t free to work as they plan, reducing the need for changes later on.

Unavailability doesn’t stop you from scheduling an employee to work, but it helps you build rotas that accommodate staff as much as possible.

A typical staff rota showing shifts, staff unavailability in red, staff availability in green.

Our drivers can mark availability, so we are always able to deliver perfect levels of service to our customers.

Darren Bradley, Owner, Nonna's Pizza

Rota view in the RotaCloud mobile app

More availability benefits

Better rotas = happier staff

Scheduling shifts that accommodate your staff’s availability doesn’t only benefit your business; it makes life easier for your team.

  • Less admin

    Rotas work for everyone so rarely have to be updated

  • Fully staffed

    You can be confident that your staff will know when they're next due in

  • More engaged staff

    Staff are happier and more productive at work

Try RotaCloud free for 30 days

  • No card required
  • UK-based support