If you’re new to staff management or are the owner of a small business, it’s only natural to have questions and concerns when it comes to HR-related matters.
It helps to have a bank of reliable resources to refer to when you find yourself in a jam, but also to provide you with tips for getting the most out of your team and keep you up to date with all the latest developments in the field of HR.
With that in mind, we've scoured the web for the very best HR blogs for small businesses — blogs whose content is informative, reliable, and above all easy to understand.
Be sure to bookmark and visit them often to boost your management knowledge and keep your team in tip-top shape!
Employee engagement & culture

TinyPulse produce employee engagement solutions in software form and on their company blog.
You'll find all the actionable, high-quality lists and how-to guides you'd expect, but where the TinyPulse blog really excels is when its authors draw on data from their software.
This approach makes TinyPulse stand out from other employee engagement blogs — you never know when you'll stumble across some original, insightful data!
Recommended reading: Who Loves the Boss?
The Chief Happiness Officer Blog
The job title 'chief happiness officer' will undoubtedly divide opinion, but Alexander Kjerulf's highl respected HR blog is sure to surprise and inspire you.
If you're interested in employee engagement (particularly employee happiness), then the Chief Happiness Officer blog is a must-read. It tackles a specific, important area of HR with confidence and authority.
Managers and employees alike should check out the blog, if only to get a different perspective on common workplace issues. The archives stretch all the way back to 2002, so there's plenty here to catch up on!
Recommended reading: The 5 Most Important Findings From the Science of Happiness That Applies at Work
Snacknation provides "delicious healthy snacks for awesome offices", and their blog content is a winning extension of their fun-loving brand.
Their blog's all about making offices better places to work in through workplace wellness and employee engagement, but they've adapted their blog's content admirably in light of the Covid-19 pandemic.
Blog frequency can be slightly sporadic, with approximately one post each month, but it's top-notch content nevertheless!
Recommended reading: 27 Shockingly Easy Ways To Have Fun At Work (While Staying Productive) In 2022
Hppy's home to a community of HR experts and enthusiasts who share their thoughts on employee engagement and wider people-management topics.
One of the biggest databases of employee engagement content on the web, Hppy publishes a new article most weekdays. There's content covering almost every aspect of engagement you can think of — perfect if you’re looking for tangible tips on how to keep your team motivated and engaged.
Recommended reading: 6 Ways To Enhance Your Employee Engagement Digitally
Another example of a software provider with a fantastic employee engagement blog, Officevibe’s blog offers both thought-provoking and actionable content.
The blog itself is also beautifully designed; from the vibrant featured images to the formatting of the posts themselves, its design alone makes Officevibe’s content a pleasure to behold.
Recommended reading: The benefits of Pulse Surveys for distributed teams
General HR blogs

HRZone is a UK-based HR site which publishes a wide range of articles analysing the current and future state of HR.
If you're after content with a little bit of personality (and a healthy dash of sarcasm), head to HRZone. You'll find blogs with titles such as "How to strike fear into your team and alienate colleagues" and "How to deal with dinosaurs in the workplace". It's really good stuff.
Recommended reading: Magnetic Workplaces
Prolific blogger Meghan M. Biro's one of the top HR influencers on social media, and she's the founder and CEO of TalentCulture — one of the web's leading HR sites.
TalentCulture's blog is regularly updated with new posts on HR, leadership and workplace innovation. Many of these posts are written by Meghan herself, but you'll also see contributions from some fantastic guest writers.
We recommend checking out TalentCulture if you're hungry for regular, high-quality, actionable articles about people management.
Recommended reading: The Ever-Evolving Role of Human Resources Management
TLNT by ERE Media
ERE Media publish three separate blogs: one on recruitment, one on sourcing, and another on HR, TLNT.
Serving up “news, analysis and opinion” on all things HR-related, TLNT is now a leading voice in the industry, covering topics including employee benefits, training and development, ethics, and HR software.
In with a steady stream of fresh content, you'll find a mix of news articles (which tend to be a bit more US-focused), analysis and opinion pieces from experts.
Much like TalentCulture above, the quantity and breadth of content make TLNT a great source of information for small business owners and HR pros alike.
Recommended reading: Which HR Metric Matters Most?
Keeping HR Simple
A blog from the company of same name, Keeping HR Simple does what it says on the tin: explains people management policies and processes in a relatable and easy-to-understand manner.
Covering subjects from the legalities of recruiting non-UK nationals in a post-Brexit Britain to tips for interviewing potential new hires, KHRS’s content is clear, easy to understand, and always engaging.
Recommended reading: What you should know about managing holidays in your business
Personal HR blogs

People Stuff
Gem Dale's no-nonsense (mostly) HR blog is a must-read for any UK business owner. In it, Dale shares her thoughts on HR issues she encounters at work and at events in an accessible and compelling way.
If you're looking for a blog that ditches the jargon but still gets to the heart of important HR issues, we highly recommend reading People Stuff.
Recommended reading: 5 reasons why employees don’t engage with wellbeing at work
With more than 20 years’ experience in HR working across a wide variety of industries, Neil Morrison certainly knows his stuff. He also has a real way with words, and produces original, thought-provoking content at least once a week on average.
Morrison's interest in psychology, technology and the roles they play in today's workplace make his blog an interesting and unique read anyone looking to get more from their team and create a strong company culture.
Recommended reading: WFH? Think about the bigger picture
The HR Capitalist
Kris Dunn's HR blog is among the most read in the HR sector, with his incisive insights and amusing blog posts earning him a vocal following.
The HR Capitalist is, admittedly, rather US-focused, but Kris’ commentaries are valuable nevertheless, not to mention well written — this is without a doubt the blog to read if you're looking to learn about the important role that HR has to play in helping to grow a business.
Recommended reading: Are You a Jerk for Sending that Email at 9 pm?
The Evil HR Lady
Dispelling myths while poking fun at the age-old trope of the joy-killing HR manager, Suzanne Lucas (a.k.a The Evil HR Lady) has produced tonnes of useful and engaging workforce management content over the years.
To date, Suzanne’s blogs have covered topics including "what constitutes micromanagement", rage-quitting, and even drug testing at work — all in a wonderfully dry and relatable manner.
Much of her content is published on other, often big-name, websites, but her blog acts as a great hub for all her advice and material, so be sure to keep it bookmarked.
Recommended reading: My Employees Want More Money. I Have None
HR Bartender
The HR Bartender blog is the home of Sharlyn Lauby's thoughts on workplace and HR issues, with commentary on many of the industry's hot topics.
The blog is notable for its 'Ask HR Bartender' column, where readers send in HR and recruitment questions for Lauby to answer — with the help of experts from her impressive network.
Check out HR Bartender if you're looking for short, practical advice on workplace matters. Content tends to focus on the US, but readers elsewhere will still find plenty to sink their teeth into.
Recommended reading: Employee Retention: Your Employment Brand Is Key
Recruitment and talent
While Brazen's excellent blog occasionally covers other, more general HR topics, its focus is definitely on recruitment. Brazen's articles all contain actionable advice, so if there's a specific recruiting challenge you've encountered, you're certain to find an article that helps you overcome it.
There are also plenty of posts by guest writers (including us!) on Brazen's blog, so you can count on seeing plenty of different perspectives if you pay it a visit.
Recommended reading: Insightful Interview Questions Recruiters Should Always Ask
Undercover Recruiter
Focused mainly on the UK/European markets, Undercover Recruiter's content covers recruitment, branding, and employee engagement.
There's something here for both managers and employees, including tips for hiring 'passive' jobseekers, retaining staff, interview techniques (on both sides), and even writing effective job ads.
Content is from both in-house and guest writers, but it's all of a very high standard and offers some genuinely interesting takes on the world of recruitment especially.
Recommended reading: How Do You Recruit and Retain Flexible Workers?
We know it's a bit cheeky to include ourselves in a list of top HR blogs, and we don't just cover recruitment, but we think you'll love what the RotaCloud blog has to offer!
Take a trip over to our blog home page and you’ll find an absolute tonne of tips for managers and business owners, from how to build a fair staff rota to whether or not you’re allowed to fire someone for constantly showing up late to work.
As well as HR advice, the RotaCloud blog offers tips for small business owners on recruitment, marketing and growing your business, and even using technology for streamlining processes and getting the most out of your team.
Recommended reading: 20 winning interview questions to ask candidates
Over to you!
There's bound to be at least one five-star HR blog out there that we've missed. If you've found one that you'd like to tell the world about, give us a shout on Facebook, LinkedIn, or Twitter!