Are you counting down the sleeps til Santa?
Or are you facing the prospect of another Christmas Day at work?
While many of us are tucking into turkey, tearing open presents and happily devouring multiple mince pies, plenty of other people are enduring just another workday.
Some employees might be pleased to receive time-and-a-half or escape a stressful family gathering, but most working during the Christmas period would rather be anywhere else.
This year, we've looked into the RotaCloud database to see who's working over Christmas. Which sectors are the biggest scrooges? What percentage of employees are at work on Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, and Boxing Day?
Find out in our festive infographic - and check below for some important notes on our methods.
(Click on the infographic to view a larger version.)

The figures we uncovered are higher than those cited by other studies, but there's a good reason for this.
The nature of RotaCloud means that companies with complex rotas tend to use our software - and we reckon that these companies are more likely to schedule shifts over Christmas relative to a typical office-based business.
Also, data was collected on the 30th of November 2016. Although we expect most clients to have planned their Christmas rota far in advance, our numbers may be slightly inflated by users who haven't yet adjusted their rota for the Christmas period.
Despite these caveats, our data provides an interesting window into the realities of work over the Christmas period in the UK.
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