Friday the 13th may be unlucky for some, but for RotaCloud admins, we’ve got a special treat - two big updates - the dashboard and activity log.
The first major change you’ll notice as soon as you log in. The dashboard is a beautiful, bold summary of everything that is happening that day (or on your selected date). At a glance you can see new requests from employees, recent activity on your account and an overview of all the staff who are scheduled to work that day - and their locations.
Location Overview

The location overview shows you all of your locations with the number of staff working in each. Rollover a number and you can see the names of the staff members working, perfect for quickly finding out who is working where.

The request window allows you to easily see all pending leave and unavailability requests in once place. Click on a request and you will be taken to the relevant shift or period of time on the rota. From here, you can approve or deny the request.

The activity window is an extension of the full activity log I'll move onto shortly. Here, you can see all of the activity on you account, including unavailability and leave requests, the name of the admin who approved the requests and much more.
Activity Log

The activity log shows a full history of all changes made within your account, including when leave and unavailability requests were made and replied to, and the admin that dealt with the request.
And that's it for today! What do you think? Be sure to let us know by email or in the comments below. We've got many more exciting features and updates in the pipeline so stay tuned, we'll be announcing them here as soon as they are live.
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