Feature Friday is Back! Custom Copy Range Tool

Joel Beverley

Oct 2014 ⋅ 1 min read

It's Feature Friday again! This week we've a handy new tool for all you RotaCloud admins.

Introducing the Custom Copy Range tool..

Custom copy range in RotaCloud

What it does

The Custom Copy Range Tool lets you create rolling shift patterns, copy multiple weeks of shifts at once or just mass fill your rotas months in advance.

How it Works

Simply select a date range of shifts to copy, then pick the employees whose shifts you wish to include. Choose a start and end date to paste to and the copied shifts will loop/repeat to fill the entire pasted date range.

The Custom Copy Range tool in action

Do you have a fixed rota that changes very little? Whether you run a one, two or three week rota, now you can copy multiple weeks of shifts months into advance.

e.g. Copy 1st - 7th Jan (7 days, 1 week) into 8th Jan - 30th April (112 days, 16 weeks) - The 7 days of shifts will be duplicated multiple times to fill the date range.

Do you use a rolling shift pattern? Use this tool to select a custom number of days and shifts and fill your weeks quickly, saving hours of tedious admin time.

e.g. Copy 1st - 6th Aug (6 days) into 7th Aug - 31st Oct (85 days) - Your custom shift pattern will repeat every 6 days to fill the pasted date range.


When using the tool to copy a shift pattern, remember to include the days when nobody is working. For example, if you have five days of shifts during the week and the weekends blank, remember to include the weekend in your selection so that the seven day pattern is copied across correctly.‌