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Chapter 6

What’s next?

You’ve made it to the end of the hiring process.

All being well, you’ve chosen a new employee who’ll soon become a valuable part of the team for months and years to come.

What happens next

Recruitment is only the first step towards gaining a model employee.

Onboarding, training, and development are all required for your new employee to reach their full potential. There’s also staff engagement, motivation, and wellbeing to consider.

As a manager, there’s always more you can do to improve your workplace — but there’s no doubt that finding the right people to work for you makes everything else far easier!

Through this guide, we hope we’ve shown you how to carry out a high quality recruitment process on a small budget.

Here are five key takeaways that every business can learn from:

#1 Tailor your approach based on results

From where you advertise and how you advertise, to how you screen candidates and phrase the offer letters, every part of the recruitment process should reflect what’s been most effective at meeting your goals. What works for one business won’t necessarily work for another.

#2 Always be consistent within the process

Once your recruitment efforts are underway, every candidate entering the process should be treated equally. Always ask the same questions at the interview, don’t let certain candidates skip stages in the process, and make decisions based on evidence and numbers, not hunches.

#3 Don't expect perfection

Don’t expect perfection. It’s unlikely that you’ll find a candidate that meets all the role’s criteria — be prepared to compromise, particularly if you need to hire quickly.

#4 Draft a timeline

...and make sure everyone understands what comes next. Communicate timelines with your current staff and the candidates so that there’s never any uncertainty about next steps.

#5 Candidates will use the recruitment process to judge your business

Every applicant (even those that don’t make it far) will change their view of your company based on their experience of your recruitment process, so make sure it's positive!

We’ll leave you with one last thought. It’s easy to cut corners with recruitment; to opt for the first half-qualified candidate that comes your way, or to make do with the other manager’s son instead of looking further afield.

These shortcuts will get boots on the ground quickly. They’ll fill the gaps in your rotas and reduce your recruitment admin.

If you choose to go for this approach, that’s fine — but you have to be aware of the risks.

The new employee might be unable to carry out basic duties, or misunderstood the scope of the role.

They might have no interest in your brand — and it shows in their work.

They might view your job only as something to pay the bills before a better offer comes along.

A full recruitment process, as we've detailed in this guide, should prevent any of these unfortunate situations from occuring, leaving you with a new employee who will excel in their role.

Thanks for reading.

About RotaCloud

RotaCloud is online rota planning software for SMEs, designed to make managing and communicating staff schedules a breeze. Ditch the clunky spreadsheet-based rota for easy-to-use specialist software to manage shift swaps, leave requests, and employee availability all in one place.

With RotaCloud's Time & Attendance add-on, track actual hours worked against scheduled hours. Monitor patterns in absence and lateness, prepare payroll, and automatically generate timesheets based on clocking in data.