As featured on the Hospitality Meets podcast

Effortless staff scheduling for hospitality businesses

Cut your admin and make work simple for your staff with our easy-to-use scheduling & attendance software.

Try it free
  • No card required
  • UK-based support

Trusted by more than 5,000 businesses, including:

4.9 av. 234 reviews

4.7 av. 41 reviews

4.9 av. 233 reviews

One simple platform for organising shift work

Our cloud-based Rota Planning, Time & Attendance and HR tools work hand in hand to save you time and money.

Staff scheduling

Rota planning

Everything you need to organise your team, record staff holidays, and keep tabs on labour costs.

An example rota in RotaCloud with four shift cards and one holiday marked.
An example timesheet in RotaCloud with clocking in and out records and a green 'clock in' button.

Time & Attendance

Clocking in & timesheets

The fast, easy way for your kitchen, bar, and front-of-house staff to clock in and out of their shifts.

HR tools

People management

Streamline your administrative processes and reduce time-consuming paperwork at your restaurant business.

Logbook entry and team documents list in RotaCloud.
RotaCloud allows me to be proactive with rotas instead of reactive. If one of our shops is over budget, I can log in from anywhere in the world and it’ll show me — I can make sure we’re actually hitting our targets.
Some of the RotaCloud support team.

Setup and support are on the house

Our York-based support team will help you set up your account so that it’s the perfect fit for your business. And once you’re up to speed, support stays free. Forever.

Here’s how we did in 2023:

  • Over 22,000 conversations
  • 4-minute first response time
  • 97.4% customer satisfaction

Join more than 5,000 businesses already using RotaCloud to manage their teams.

Try it free
  • 30-day free trial
  • No card required
  • UK-based support
Capterra best value 2023 accolade badge Software Advice best customer support 2023 accolade badge Capterra best ease of use 2023 accolade badge