Customer story: Stratford Oaks
Stratford Oaks Golf Club streamlined communication between staff and managers — and reduced their wage bill

Stratford Oaks is a golf club situated in the heart of Warwickshire. They have reception, bar and restaurant staff working part-time alongside a handful of full-time employees, running their business in a way that’s “similar to a small hotel“. Their goal is to provide a club where golfers feel comfortable and receive both great service and value for money.
The challenge
Director Nigel Powell spoke to us about the problems Stratford Oaks had experienced before discovering RotaCloud.
“The reception area planned their rota on a spreadsheet which had to be printed off all the time to show any changes. The bar and restaurant used a table in Microsoft Word. Staff would write any changes they needed on the sheet, which caused many problems for their manager, requiring numerous phone calls and texts to confirm what was wanted.”
As soon as I tried the free trial version I was sold.
The solution
RotaCloud turned Nigel’s staff scheduling problems around pretty much overnight, to the point that he signed up as soon as he’d seen it in action.
“I didn’t even look at another product;“ he told us, “as soon as I tried the free trial version I was sold.”
His team have taken quite a shine to RotaCloud too.
“The staff all use RotaCloud easily and the phone app is superb for them. The bar & catering manager can see exactly how much the day or week is costing in wages, which has really made her aware of how some events are just not worth doing.”
Finally, Nigel had a few words to say about the RotaCloud team.
“The support and friendliness of your team is fantastic. I wish you all the very best with the business.”