Customer story: SignVideo
RotaCloud’s self-service tools make life easier for SignVideo’s staff while saving managers time

When over 150,000 people rely on your services, it’s crucial that you don’t let paperwork get in the way. That was the challenge for SignVideo, providers of video interpreting services to British Sign Language (BSL) users in the UK.
SignVideo’s relay service allows users to make and receive BSL interpreted video calls so that they can effectively and effortlessly communicate with each other through a professional interpreter.
The service removes existing barriers facing service providers, businesses, work colleagues and families when conversing with BSL users.
Additionally, SignVideo grants BSL users independence by allowing them to make previously difficult or impossible telephone calls confidently through professional interpreters.
The challenge
The availability of SignVideo’s professional interpreters is critical to the company’s success. But juggling numerous spreadsheets to track shifts, hours worked and holidays booked became increasingly difficult as the company grew.
“There were constant emails sent to alert staff to changes in their working hours,” Hannah Robinson, Interpreting Service Manager at SignVideo told us. “It was very labour intensive, with key processes like payroll all done manually.”
Using RotaCloud has saved management a lot of admin time, and time is precious in a busy dynamic business!
The solution
SignVideo’s search for a solution lead them to RotaCloud, which ticked all the boxes. But Hannah explained that the main draw wasn’t a feature, or even the price tag.
“Primarily, RotaCloud’s simple, easy-to-view layout attracted us. It seemed very user friendly. We also appreciated the compatibility with Google Calendar.”
When RotaCloud was rolled out across the business, the benefits were clear for all to see. “We can copy a standard rota to a new month, and send it to staff in a matter of minutes. Our staff are notified of vacant shifts via the app, or by email, and staff can easily request and book annual leave.”
Hannah continued, “Payroll takes a fraction of the time it used to, and is much less prone to any mistakes. We’ve been really impressed with the team at RotaCloud, who are really responsive and helpful any time we have a question.”