Customer story: Inspiration Care
How RotaCloud gave Inspiration Care staff 24/7 access to their rotas and annual leave records

Inspiration Care Limited manage a number of residential and supported living services in Herefordshire. They support individuals with learning disabilities, autism, acquired brain injuries, mental health problems, and associated complex needs such as epilepsy, and those who may challenge a care service. Inspiration Care place innovation and quality at the forefront of all that they do.
The challenge
George Jones, Registered Manager at Inspiration Care, used to find the rota planning process especially time-consuming.
“We used Excel to plan our rotas,” he told us. “The biggest challenges were the time spent setting up fresh rotas every month, as well as actually getting the rotas to the staff — we have different locations, not one office.”
RotaCloud has reduced my administration time and removed the stress of managing more than 30 staff.
The solution
In May 2016, the Inspiration Care team started using RotaCloud to manage their staff schedules. George immediately noticed the benefits.
“RotaCloud has reduced my administration time and removed the stress of managing more than 30 staff.”
And it wasn’t only the managers that benefited from the change.
“The staff love the way they can view their rotas online, on their phones, and request annual leave. RotaCloud’s saved us endless amounts of printed rotas and leave request forms.”